Believe it or not, this is one whole family - grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters and cousins. They live out at Primm Springs and come together for any excuse in the world. I often see them (children and adults) dressing up for the sake of a little one's birthday. There are so many of them, they run a home-school on the property. I know them well.
By:1. Creating a strong set of family values that filtrates through the different families to promote
effective parenting - values such as loyalty, respect, honesty and caring for one another.
2. Talking to one another on a daily basis - face to face or by phone.
3. Encouraging and supporting each other in whatever they are into - e.g. sport, planning weddings!
4. Sharing each others' stuff and giving it back in the same condition.
5. Including each other in all family events (and believe me this family are masters at events!)
6. Working together on projects and sharing the spoils e.g. gardens, venison, eggs.
7. Inviting outsiders to come and enjoy their fun (sharing their enthusiasm with others).
8. Dealing with issues and conflicts in a timely manner so family members don't split off.
9. Encouraging the expression of differing thoughts and beliefs.
10. Praying together - 'A family who prays together, stays together.'
11. Having a patriarch and matriarch (Grandparents) who are role models in family management.
The photo below popped up on my Face Book page the other day. It is one whole family of my cousins and their spouses. As you can see they are as old as the hills but, there they are in the park thoroughly enjoying the sunshine and each others company. They are a great example of supporting one another in sport. Three men in this family were champion cyclists, representing their State or country. Whenever they rode, the whole family would go and support them. What a great feeling, having your family members being so proud of their achievements by barracking them on!This family above all get together for parties and any celebrations. They gather together when I fly down to Australia to visit them. That makes me feel very loved an valued because most of the time I am quite disconnected from them physically. I am thankful for Face Book in this regard.
Written by Sally Burgess, Forefront Families
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