Friday, January 9, 2015


We often hear about, or are involved in, random acts of kindness as adults, but how about in relation to kids?  My husband, Brian, was teaching elementary children recently about what it means to be kind and they discussed unexpected expressions of kindness.


1. It takes an unselfish mind set.  We are all born selfish.  Our natural instinct is to satisfy
    ourselves before anything or anyone else.  We have to realize first and foremost that the world
    does not revolve around us.

2. It takes training to become aware of others' needs.  Tunnel vision prevents lateral awareness.
    Sometimes we really have to force ourselves to look at other people and try to evaluate their
    circumstances.  What is their facial expression or demeanor telling us?  Do they look cold or
    hungry?  Do they seem lonely?

3. It takes physical action.  Now comes the hard part, the time to reach out and touch them in
    some way.  It can be as simple as a hug or offering some financial assistance.  'Paying it
    forward' is a tremendous blessing to both the giver and the receiver.


  1. Write Christmas cards to the elderly or to soldiers.
  2. Call your grandparents and thank them for their kindness and tell them you love them.
  3. Do kind deeds for your parents without being asked.
  4. Bake cookies and take them to new or sick neighbors.
  5. Offer to carry groceries for an elderly person.
  6. Befriend a new child in the neighborhood or at school.
  7. Say, 'Thank you' to a policeman for protecting the community.
  8. Offer to baby sit so a mother can go out for an hour or two to 'unwind'.
  9. Be helpful to your teacher(s) and greet them every morning.
10. Think about giving at least one compliment to somebody every day.
11. Back up a person who may being bullied by someone.
12. Set aside a few toys in good condition that you're not using and give them to a needy child.
13. Ask your parents if they will go with you to pick up trash in the park or on the roadside.
14. Be sure to invite another child who may not be playing to join in with your group.
15. If someone falls help them up.
16. Hold the door open for someone else, especially an adult.
17. Smile at someone.  It will causes others to smile.
18. If you finish early, ask your teacher if you could help another student who is struggling
      with a subject.
19. Ask your parents if you could help out at a homeless shelter or a food bank.
20. Always be positive and say kind things to everyone around you.

By role modeling kindness we demonstrate to our children the joy it brings to recipients.  Kindness soon becomes contagious.

Written by Sally and Brian Burgess
Forefront Families LLC

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