Saturday, October 26, 2013


We think our kids know how to manage their 'stuff' once they leave home.  However, I can vividly recall finding out that one of my young relations had no idea that you couldn't write checks without knowing how much money was in the bank.  When the check bounced she was shocked.  So was her husband when he discovered she had no idea about the principles of managing money other than cash.

Kids don't learn purely by osmosis.  The really important things have to be taught and practiced until they can prove they understand how to manage the situation.

Be the kind of person you want your kids to be.
     a) Train them from an early age to do all household chores.  Encourage them when they do a
         great job.  Encourage them to work as a team and help one another.
     b) Give them specific responsibilities e.g. managing their own allowance, doing the shopping
         and bringing back the change.  Explain how to manage credit cards and check books.
     c) Teach them to cook, including shopping for the ingredients.  Make sure they clean up
     d) Teach them basic vehicle maintenance, including repairs and what to do in case of a breakdown
         or running out of gas.
     e) Have them do their own laundry, and iron their own clothes.
     f) Make sure they are respectful not only to you, but to anyone in authority.
     g) Insist on them being on time, keeping to time and respecting others' time.
     h) Take turns at total care of a family pet.
      i) Teach them the skills involved in being a good friend and and how to be one.  Teach them how
         to manage conflict.
     j)  Have your kids involved with you in voluntary work in the community so they appreciate
         serving others.

Your kids want ongoing support and encouragement.  It is one thing to practice at home, but quite another to be totally responsible as an independent adult.  By all means help them make wise decisions, but don't habitually bail them out of trouble.  They need to learn the consequences of their decisions. 

Written by Sally Burgess

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