Saturday, June 1, 2013


A  young father told me once that because his parents were so hard on him, he intended to spoil his kid rotten and not discipline him until he was at least 7 years old.

What is the likely outcome of a kid that has been spoiled rotten?  You may produce 'A ROTTEN KID' who:
  • Believes they are the center of the universe - they feel entitled.
  • Defies authority and disrepects others.
  • Throws tantrums when they can't get their own way.
  • Refuses to be a team player.
  • Does not respect their stuff.
  • Is a nightmare at home, in the classroom or staying with friends.
You can spoil your kids in several ways -
1. Giving them unlimited stuff.
2. Setting no boundaries or consequences.
3. Giving in.
4. Siding with your children no matter what the circumstance.

  • They don't want wishy-washiness or anything goes. 
  • They want clear expectations.  
  • They want you to set rules and stick to them.  
  • They feel safe and secure when they know you will keep your word.
  • They want you to be firm and fair.  
  • If you are not a strong leader in the home, THEY WILL TAKE OVER.  They don't want to, but they will.

Kids don't want stuff. They want you. (Your time, your guidance and your love)

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