Thursday, March 21, 2013


It is always a treat to come to New Zealand or Australia and see every school child in uniform.  When we were kids living down here in the South Pacific we were always very excited to don our uniform on the first day of the new term (semester).  It gave us a real sense of acceptance and a feeling of belonging to the school.  We never had to think about what we would wear to school each day, only that our uniform was intact and clean.  We even had uniform footwear and swimwear.

There certainly are many advantages to school kids being dressed the same.  Apart from the cost of uniforms in the first place, there is no further expense until they grow out of them or move to another school.  There is no 'one-up-manship' about who is wearing designer this or that and there is no issue over indecent attire.  Uniforms require wearing belts and having the pants worn up on the hips so the saggy pants thing is non-existent.  In the summer time students are required to wear hats to protect them from the sun, and also sun screen when playing outside.  There is a level of tidiness required, no nail polish or makeup.  Everyone is at the same level and treated with the same respect.  Clothing is unlikely to be stolen because everyone's clothes are exactly the same in the first place.  It is more likely that one person will accidentally pick up someone else's hat or jacket by mistake.

Research shows that behavior improves when uniforms are worn. We don't know exactly what it is that improves behavior. However, when kids dress up for a school dance, even students that may cause some problems on a regular school day are usually very well behaved. "Dress for success", I guess, is a powerful motivator in changing one's perspective and attitude.

By Sally Burgess

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