That statement got me thinking! Can we pick our kids' friends? I don't think there is a simple answer to that, but what I would say is that we can certainly train our kids to make wise choices.
When our kids are small, we do have influence over who they play with. We can set behavioral expectations for our own homes and ensure that other kids playing there abide by those rules. When our preteens' behavior is adversely affected by the friends they hang around, we do have a say as to whether those friendships continue.
We cannot dictate our teens' friends, although hopefully, by that time we will have given them enough skills to choose friends who have similar values to our own. Kids need to know that alcohol does not mix with any kind of activity. We can use examples such as the one above to explain to our kids that serious accidents can occur when we are not thinking about possible consequences.

The best way to teach your children to pick good friends is to be a good role model in the friends you pick. When they see the value of good friendship, they will look for the same things in others. And, if you are your child's hero, they will want to pick friends that remind them of you.
By Sally Burgess and Kristee Mays
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