Thursday, July 11, 2013


While most of us feel we have done a pretty darn good job of managing our kids, considering all the variables, I think we would all agree that SOMETIMES we mess up!  We know we are not always fair, not always consistent, and certainly not always rational.  Sometimes we do not make the right decisions and are just plain wrong in responses we make to our kids.

In what situations do we make mistakes?
1. We make assumptions about a behavioral situation without seeking the facts.
2. We issue a punishment on the fly and our response depends on our level of frustration at the time.
3. We expect our kids to read our minds when we haven't made our expectations clear.
4. We try to live out our unfulfilled dreams through our kids.
5. We do not listen to our children.

So, how can we right our wrongs?
1. With behavioral issues, we need to watch for the signs so we have control over potential situations
    before 'blowing our stack' and regretting our actions.
2. We need to talk to our kids about our expectations and provide a safe place to practice or make
3. We need to talk together as parents about what our responses will be in given situations - and stand
    by one another.  This requires consistency.
4. When our responses have been inappropriate we need to apologize to our children and reiterate our
     expectations.  The next step is to tell them clearly how we will respond to negative behaviors
     from then on.
5. Our kids always respond to praise and encouragement rather than constantly being barraged with
6. We need to let our kids follow their own dreams and encourage them to reach their potential, not

Written by:
Sally Burgess,  Forefront Families LLC

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