Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Having come from a nursing background I was always taught that breast feeding gave the baby the greatest nourishment.  With that in mind, I resolved to do the 'right' thing by my babies.  It never occurred to me that anything could go sideways with my plan.  My first attempts to breast feed my baby had me reaching for a nipple shield which I used for the 10 days I was in the nursing home.  Convincing myself that I had to do it 'properly' I tried unsuccessfully to exclusively breast feed.  So dense was I that I felt, being a nurse and all, that I couldn't say, "Oh, to heck with it!  I will go back to the shield."  Instead I pumped and pumped to give my precious little boy as much of the 'real' milk as I could.  That lasted about six weeks and we moved to formula!  I felt like a failure!

My daughter tried desperately to breastfeed her infant and I watched with some trepidation as he seemed to shrink with each passing day.  He cried and cried and it was difficult to tell exactly what his problem was.  The obvious thing was that he needed nutriment, so my daughter supplemented breast feeding with formula feeding.  His weight gain was noticeable immediately.  She was eventually able to stop the formula and totally breastfeed.  She found it so much easier, especially during the night and the expense of formula no longer existed.

I have now come to the following conclusions:
a) Babies need enough nourishment to reach predicted weight gains and to sleep well between feeds.
b) Breast feeding for the shortest time is of great benefit to an infant because the first milk (colostrum)
    is high in protein, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins are
    antibodies that pass from the mother to her baby and providing passive immunity. 
c) If a mother cannot, or chooses not to, breast feed, then that is her choice.  She is not a failure  as
    a mother just because she feeds her baby formula.  YOU DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO FOR


1. "Why aren't you breastfeeding?"
    There are so many reasons why a woman might be feeding her child formula, and some are
    very personal.  She could have adopted her child.  She could have had breast cancer.  She could
    be exclusively pumping because she was sexually assaulted as a teenager and breastfeeding gave
    her post-traumatic stress disorder.  Or, maybe she tried to breastfeed, and it just didn't work for
    her (meaning she also may be mourning the breastfeeding relationship she never had).

2. "I have a great lactation consultant. Would you like her number?"
    Nearly every mom I met in the first three months recommended a professional to me.  If I'd been
    asking for help, this would have been an entirely welcome response.  But I'd already paid for
    nine different lactation consultations, so the advice felt more like an accusation (the implication
    being I hadn't tried hard enough, and the 'right' person would have made my body work the way
    it was supposed to).

    And if I'd been one of the many women who didn't want to breastfeed in the first place, a question
    like this could make me feel like I couldn't tell you the truth about my choice.  Either way, it's
    probably best not to email your LC's info to the bottle-feeding mom in your playgroup unless she

3. "I'm so sorry..."
    When other new moms heard I wasn't breastfeeding, they'd express their condolences and ask
    what happened.  I appreciated their concern, but the pity made me feel as if I had something to
    be ashamed of.  Many women turn to formula because it's the best option for their family, and it
    can be a lifesaver in some situations.  It's important for moms to feel proud of nourishing their
    babies, regardless of how they do it.  If a bottle-feeding mom tells you she's hurting or regrets not
    nursing, feel free to express sympathy, but don't assume she's unhappy with her parenting choice.

4. "Don't you worry about your baby eating high fructose corn syrup (or GMOs or BPA)?"
     Here's the problem with this question.  There's no good way to answer it.  If a mom simply says
     "No" she sounds like she doesn't care about her baby's health.  If she launches into a long
     explanation of the research and reality behind these claims, she sounds defensive.  And if she
     actually does worry about these things, bringing it up just rubs salt in the wound.  There's a time
     and place to demand better formula quality and options (something we could all fight for together),
     but casual conversation is not that time.

5. "It must be so nice not to have to wake up for feedings
     (or be able to just leave or not have to be the only one to take care of your baby)."
     Just because a mom is bottle-feeding, it doesn't mean that she isn't getting up at night.  (My
     formula-fed babies ate two or three times a night, and I snuggled them at every feeding.)  And
     it doesn't mean she hands off her baby to someone else every chance she gets.  You probably
     don't mean to imply anything negative, but she might be feeling defensive about bonding because
     so much emphasis is put on attachment and breastfeeding.  Comments like these just feed into
     every myth and insecurity about formula-feeding.

6. "Breastfeeding moms really need support."
     That is absolutely true.  Breastfeeding is a learned skill, and it's vital to be surrounded by
     supportive, knowledgeable peers who can help you overcome hurdles.  It would be a huge step
     toward ending the breast vs. bottle battle if we could amend this frequently uttered statement to,
     "All moms need support."

     Practical support is one thing, and emotional support is another.  Many bottle-feeding parents don't
     have access to either until their babies are old enough to take to classes (typically around 8
     weeks).  Formula-feeding moms don't have the advantage of La Leche League meetings or
     lactation clinics at the local hospital, both places where new moms can form bonds with each
     other.  While we ensure that breastfeeding moms are getting the support they need to feed their
     babies, let's also make sure that other moms aren't being denied support simply because they
     ended up feeding their babies a different way.

Suzanne Barston 
Author, "Bottled Up: How the Way We Feed Babies Has Come to Define Motherhood, and Why It Shouldn't" (UC Press, 201

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